“Rental and leasing companies rely on sky track Solutions to improve and boost customer service, efficiency and safety”

Rental and leasing companies rely on sky track Solutions to improve and boost customer service, efficiency and safety.
Having a clear view of vehicle locations, information on mileage, and insight into how vehicles are being driven enables Rental and Leasing operators to boost their performance. Better service and more efficient operations help customers to save costs and lessen business risk.
By understanding the needs of a leasing company and their end-customer, Sky Track Solutions has identified some key features of interest to the industry.
These include:

  • Objective, transparent odometer (mileage) reporting.
  • Integration into back-end systems, through secure web and mobile applications.
  • Trip and vehicle utilization reports.
  • Driver identification.
  • Tracking and stolen vehicle recovery.
  • Vehicle error and trip reports.
Fleet management tools developed by Sky Track Solutions have long been relied on by Rental and Leasing businesses. Proven results boost the bottom line, facilitate sustainable improvement and add value to existing service offerings.